Cherry Pie [Ace]

Year: 1998
Artist: Marvin & Johnny

Facts about the album "Cherry Pie [Ace]"

Album Title: Cherry Pie [Ace]
Artist: Marvin & Johnny

Meta Information:

  • Label: Ace Records
  • Genre: Rhythm and Blues, Doo-Wop
  • Language: English
  • Formats: CD, Vinyl, Digital Download

Interesting Facts:

  1. Doo-Wop Pioneers: Marvin & Johnny were a prominent duo in the Doo-Wop genre during the 1950s, known for their smooth harmonies and catchy melodies. "Cherry Pie [Ace]" showcases their talent and enduring legacy in the realm of rhythm and blues.
  2. Signature Song: The album likely features their hit song "Cherry Pie", which became a classic in the Doo-Wop genre and remains a favorite among fans of vintage rhythm and blues music.
  3. Historical Significance: "Cherry Pie [Ace]" holds historical significance as a documentation of the Doo-Wop era, offering listeners a glimpse into the vibrant musical landscape of the 1950s and the contributions of artists like Marvin & Johnny to the genre's evolution.